SS2 2.090 Routing


Map: (Click to expand)

Chapter 1 - Beginning of the level

Ammo ratio0.1
Sniper Bullets5
Cannon Balls3
Hand Grenades3
Hitting a trigger spawns several grunts and a zombie minigunner. Only one group of enemy needs to be killed (the minigunner, all grunts, etc.). Hitting a trigger then advances the chapter.

Chapter 2 - Island near the large skeleton

Killing the witch starts a 3.5 second timer for the plasma rifle to spawn. The chapter finishes when it is grabbed and a trigger is hit.

Chapter 3 - After plasma rifle has been picked

Finished by hitting a trigger. The chapter needs to start before it can finish, meaning previous chapters must be finished first.

Chapter 4 - Final yard, before player enters the base

Grab a key, plug it in, then hit a trigger.

Chapter 1 Triggers

In the foreground (cyan) the trigger that causes relevant enemies to spawn that need to be killed. In the background (cyan + magenta) two triggers that both need to be hit to start chapter 2 properly.

Chapter 2 Triggers

Magenta starts chapter 3. Green and cyan irrelevant.

Chapter 3 Triggers

Both magenta and green triggers need to be hit to start chapter 4.

Chapter 4 Triggers

Cyan with yellow outline is the trigger that finishes the map. Note the invisible walls in red.