SS2 2.090 Routing


Map: (Click to expand)

Chapter 1 - Begining of the level

Finished by hitting a trigger.

Chapter 2 - First chechpoint

Finished by hitting a trigger, but earlier chapters must be finished first.

Chapter 3 - Second chechpoint

Finished by hitting a trigger, but earlier chapters must be finished first.

Chapter 4 - Third chechpoint

Finished by hitting a trigger, but earlier chapters must be finished first.

Chapter 5 - Fourth chechpoint

Finished by hitting a trigger, but earlier chapters must be finished first.

Chapter 4 - Third chechpoint

Finishes automatically after 4 seconds.

Invisible Walls

The invisible walls, in the foreground the first area.

Checkpoint 1

A better look at the hitbox of the first checkpoint

Checkpoint 2

A better look at the hitbox of the second checkpoint

Checkpoint 3

A better look at the hitbox of the third checkpoint

Checkpoint 4

A better look at the hitbox of the penultimate checkpoint

Checkpoint 5

A better look at the hitbox of the last checkpoint